Collection: Outdoor Rugs

Discover our full collection of outdoor rugs, offering the look and texture of natural materials yet made from man-made fabric for incredible durability. Created using contract-rated flooring, these plastic outdoor rugs give the appearance of a stunning sisal or wool finish, yet can be easily cleaned, are water-resistant and are perfect for gardens, balconies, terraces and porches. 

Choose between fully waterproof outdoor rugs, polypropylene outdoor rugs or our saltwater and chlorine resistant Long Island rugs, perfect for life by the sea, pool or onboard a boat. Each rug comes in a range of sizes, from outdoor doormats to large outdoor rugs that fit perfectly under dining tables and furnishings. 

Our custom outdoor rugs are handmade in the UK. All you have to do is choose your preferred range, binding colour and rug size. From time to time you'll also find a few of our clearance outdoor rugs that are cut, bound and ready to go.

If you need a specific size or colour/binding combination that isn't available on our website, contact us and we'll be happy to provide a quote.